PROJECTS 002 -------------------------------------------------------- * GAZING * ------------------------------------------------------------- ZHAOYUN YU
很少有群聚的炽热目光能被忽视,除了机器的。在从宿舍去往地铁站,仅1.2公里的路上,就有超过一百六十个监控摄像头。这还仅仅是我目光所及的范围内所观察到的。我们真的需要这么多监视吗?而在机器天然的冰冷,非人类属性掩盖下,鲜少有人对此感到不适。我们的身影就这样从各个角度地自然地被留在了不知何处的云端里,存储器里,甚至网络上,被观看,被分析,甚至被用于娱乐。 这个视频旨在唤起被掩盖的被凝视的感觉。
Single Screen Moving Images.
It is rare for the blazing gaze of a group to go unnoticed, except by machines. There are more than a hundred and sixty surveillance cameras on the road from my accommodation to the tube station, a mere 1.2 kilometres away. And that's just what I've observed as far as my eyes can see. Do we really need that much surveillance? And under the guise of the machine's naturally cold, non-human attributes, hardly anyone feels uncomfortable about it. Thus our figures are naturally left from all angles in the cyber space, in memory, even on the internet, out of nowhere, to be viewed, analysed and even for entertainment. This video is intended to evoke the feeling of being gazed that has been concealed.